Bastian Lange, Martina Hülz, Benedikt Schmid, Christian Schulz (Hrsg.) (2024): Wohlstandsalternativen – Regionale Positionen und räumliche Praktiken In the search for coping strategies for global crises, alternatives to the prevailing models of prosperity are needed. What can a good, successful and healthy life within planetary boundaries look like? What practices and processes shape a caring orientation towards prosperity? (Link)
Bastian Lange, Veronika Cummings (eds.) (2024): Geographische Rundschau: Postwachstumsprozesse – geographische Perspektiven (7-8/2024) The topic of post-growth is in great demand – also in geography didactics and school education (geography) due to its vividness, urgency and proximity to the real world (“How do we want to live?”). The journal compilation places the concept of “post-growth” in the current debate on planetary transformation. It raises questions about future perspectives on economic activity, the common good and the “good life” under diminishing conditions of freedom. It takes up debates and developments in the context of the global North-South debate in order to also make bridges or obstacles to the feasibility of sustainable paths visible.
The Paradox Between Individual Professionalization and Dependence on Social Contexts and Professional Scenes