Bastian Lange, Dr. phil., adjunct professor at the Humboldt-University Berlin. He taught as guest professor at Humboldt University Berlin (2011-2012) and University of Vechta (2018-2019). He is Fellow at the Institute for ecological economy research (IÖW) in Berlin.

In 2008 he founded the independent research and consultancy office Multiplicities in Berlin. For 15 years Multiplicities has been supporting politics, business and creative scenes in the European context on ways to sustainable urban regions. Multiplicities advises municipalities, cities, federal states and EU programmes on the development of innovative places with collaborative participation processes.



Keynotes, Talk, Impulses

Keynotes and Talks by Dr. Bastian Lange

05.03.2025    Hamburg: German Creative Economy Conference. Keynote: Von den “Creative Industries” zu “Creative Common Infrastructures”

21.03.2025    Dessau: Discussant und Impulsgeber auf der Tagung “Festival der Jungen Stadtmacher:innen” der Hochschule Anhalt, Dessau-Roßlau

27.03.2025    Halle an der Saale (27./28.03.2025): Talk with Markus Hesse and Antje Bruns “Transformation – Quo Vadis? Ein Dialogangebot” auf dem ARL-KONGRESS 2025 in der Leopoldina in Halle/Saale. Kongressmotto: “Zukunft jetzt! Die sozial-ökologische Transformation gestalten”.

28.03.2025    Rapperswil (Schweiz): Keynote mit dem Titel “Prozesse, Praktiken und Perspektiven auf lokale Postwachstumsplanung” auf dem Rapperswilertag (Jahrestagung der Schweizer Landschaftsarchitektur).

26.06.2025    Berlin: Talk and discussion with Christian Schulz, Sabine Weck, Martina Hülz with the Titel ”Regionale Transformation: Wie kommen alternative Wohlstandsmodelle in die regionale Praxis?” auf dem Raumwissenschaftliches Kolloquium 2025 der Leibniz-Gemeinschaft: “Zu viel des Wandels? Widersprüche und Aufbrüche in der sozial-ökologischen Transformation”, GLS Campus Berlin.

Research (33)
Publications (73)
Talks/Teaching (41)
Consultation (37)
Panteion University

Inpolis Urbanism GmbH


Post-pandemic challenges of GLAMS

Horizon 2020

The GLAMMONS project aims to provide answers to the post-pandemic challenges that galleries, libraries, archives and museums (GLAMS) are facing. Answers to pandemic-related transformations and digitization are given from the perspective of commons theory.

HU Berlin
IB Berlin


INnovative Arrangements für die Vorsorge im CAre- und Pflege-Bereich


The InCAREgio project (INnovative arrangements for provision in the "CAre sector in structurally weak REGIONS") is launched to identify the prerequisites and conditions for innovative coping strategies for the care shortage in the Märkisch-Oderland region.

Bastian Lange


The Geography of New Working Spaces and the impact on the periphery
Member of the COST Action (EU Network)

Funded by EU COST Action

COST project network "The Geography of New Working Spaces and the impact on the periphery". Dr. Bastian Lange (University of Leipzig) is "Secondary Proposer" and member of the Management Committee. The project deals with the geographies of new places of work and forms of work.



Usability Study for a chapel in Augsburg
What uses can activate the Chapel in the Sheridan Park?

City of Augsburg

The study develops possible uses for the derelict Chapel in the Sheridan Park. Needs and potential for young adults, families and senior citizens are being identified. The extent to which public-civic partnership models can represent a resilient perspective for cooperative development.



(Neue) Garagen gründen:
Konzeptstudie "Neue Gründerzentren für Stuttgart"

In: PlanerIn, 6(23), S. 46-48.

With an expanded range of spaces and new support concepts, the city of Stuttgart wants to create infrastructures for the further dynamization of start-up activity in the future. The concept study carried out between Feb. 2021 and Feb. 2022 examined the current situation and support structures for start-ups in Stuttgart.

paper planes e.V.
Studio qrfld


Creative industries promote transformation
How can companies in the state of Brandenburg increase their competitiveness?

Ministry of Economic Affairs Brandenburg

The great challenges of our time also require adjustments from many companies in the state of Brandenburg (Germany): new strategies, business models and processes are often needed and creativity is required! In a working lab, transformation experts develop approaches on how collaboration can be more frequent and fruitful.

Bastian Lange


Aspects for the transformation of our cities
“Wanted by everyone and yet without a lobby? How urban development works”

Keynote at the Berlin Real Estate Congress

In the panel “Wanted by everyone and yet without a lobby? How urban development works”, the real estate industry asks itself self-critically why the necessary adaptation of our cities to climate change, post-fossil mobility, inclusion and liveable and fair cities is not really working? I present five good forms of use.

Lange, Bastian
Pütz, Marco
Engstler, Martin


Lake Constance region
Continous growth or restarting as a transregional postgrowth region?

In: ARL Nachrichten, Vol. 2-3, p. 80-82.

Bastian Lange


The City of the Future: Why urban development can only be thought creatively
Lecture in the panel

Hamburg, German Creative Economy Summit

Hamburg, German Creative Economy Summit: Lecture in the panel “THE CITY OF THE FUTURE: WHY CITY DEVELOPMENT CAN ONLY BE THOUGHT OF CREATIVELY” with Dr. Bastian Lange, Tina Unruh, Ivana Rohr and Robin Höning (endboss)

Micek, G.
Baycan, T.
Lange, B.


A Taxonomy of New Working Spaces

In: Mariotti I., Tomaz E., Micek G. & Mendez-Ortega C. (Hrsg.), Evolution of New Working Spaces. SpringerBriefs in Applied Sciences and Technology.

In this chapter, we present a definition of new working spaces (NeWSps). We then delve into the unique characteristics of different types of NeWSps. We propose a typology that classifies these spaces based on the primary needs of their users.

Inpolis Urbanism GmbH
Anneke von Holst
Studio Qrfld
Urban Tactic


Guidelines for building culture in Germany
Ex-Wost BBSR/BMWSB-Project

Report for the German federal parliament

The aim of this project is to draw up “Guidelines for Baukultur in Germany”: as a key document, it will formulate the federal government's position on Baukultur. The guidelines aim to describe objectives, fields of action and requirements as well as specific tasks in the area of Baukultur in Germany.

Lange, Bastian
Hülz, Martina
Schmid, Benedikt
Schulz, Christian


Regionale Positionen und räumliche Praktiken

transcript, Bielefeld

In the search for coping strategies for global crises, alternatives to the prevailing models of prosperity are needed. What can a good, successful and healthy life within planetary boundaries look like? What practices and processes characterise a caring orientation towards prosperity? And what contradictions arise?
Kacheln pro Seite
  • Research
  • Alternative Economies
  • Governance
  • Creative Industries
  • Urban Research
  • Value Creation
Panteion University

Inpolis Urbanism GmbH


Post-pandemic challenges of GLAMS

Horizon 2020

The GLAMMONS project aims to provide answers to the post-pandemic challenges that galleries, libraries, archives and museums (GLAMS) are facing. Answers to pandemic-related transformations and digitization are given from the perspective of commons theory.
  • Publications
  • Reports
  • Book contributions
  • Books
  • Comments
  • Peer_Reviewed

Inpolis Urbanism GmbH
Anneke von Holst
Studio Qrfld
Urban Tactic


Guidelines for building culture in Germany
Ex-Wost BBSR/BMWSB-Project

Report for the German federal parliament

The aim of this project is to draw up “Guidelines for Baukultur in Germany”: as a key document, it will formulate the federal government's position on Baukultur. The guidelines aim to describe objectives, fields of action and requirements as well as specific tasks in the area of Baukultur in Germany.
  • Talks/Teaching
  • Media
  • Academic Talks
  • Academic Teaching
  • Keynotes
  • Moderation

Bastian Lange


Aspects for the transformation of our cities
“Wanted by everyone and yet without a lobby? How urban development works”

Keynote at the Berlin Real Estate Congress

In the panel “Wanted by everyone and yet without a lobby? How urban development works”, the real estate industry asks itself self-critically why the necessary adaptation of our cities to climate change, post-fossil mobility, inclusion and liveable and fair cities is not really working? I present five good forms of use.
  • Consultation
  • Study Reports
  • Board/Jury
  • Communication
  • Policy Strategies
  • Spatial Strategies



Usability Study for a chapel in Augsburg
What uses can activate the Chapel in the Sheridan Park?

City of Augsburg

The study develops possible uses for the derelict Chapel in the Sheridan Park. Needs and potential for young adults, families and senior citizens are being identified. The extent to which public-civic partnership models can represent a resilient perspective for cooperative development.



Guest Professor Economic Geography at University of Vechta


Habilitation Human Geography, University of Leipzig


Project director KMU-kreativ at the Federal Ministry of Economics and Energy


Guest Professor Human Geography at Humboldt University Berlin


Foundation of Multiplicities-Berlin


Post-Doc Resarcher, Leibniz-Institute Leipzig


Ph-D  Institute of Geography at Johann Wolfgang Goethe-University Frankfurt on Main


Researcher at the Leibniz-Institute for Research on Society and Space, Erkner near Berlin


Postgraduate Studies “Urban Studies”, Foundation Bauhaus Dessau


Researcher atUniversity of  Dortmund


University Degree as Diplom-Geograph, Marburg


Rsearcher, Urban Planning Dept. Frankfurt/M.


Studying at UoA Edmonton (“Urban Planning”)


Studying Geography, Geology, Anthropology, Marburg


Voluntary ecological year, Markdorf


Humboldt University Berlin

Humboldt University Berlin

Inpolis Urbanism GmbH

Inpolis Urbanism GmbH

paper planes e.V.

paper planes e.V.

Studio qrfld

Studio qrfld

RGCS Network

Collaborative Spaces

Birmingham City University

Interreg Europe UrbanM

ARL Hannover

Working group Degrowth

Fraunhofer Umsicht

Fraunhofer Umsicht Oberhausen

Formas Schweden

Research funding Sweden

Public Art Lab

Public Art Lab Berlin