Bastian Lange, Dr. phil., adjunct professor at the University of Leipzig. He taught as guest professor at Humboldt University Berlin (2011-2012) and University of Vechta (2018-2019). He is Fellow at the Institute for ecological economy research (IÖW) in Berlin.

In 2008 he founded the independent research and consultancy office Multiplicities in Berlin. For 15 years Multiplicities has been supporting politics, business and creative scenes in the European context on ways to sustainable urban regions. Multiplicities advises municipalities, cities, federal states and EU programmes on the development of innovative places with collaborative participation processes.




Keynotes and Talks by Dr. Bastian Lange

20.09.2024   Mannheim Zwischennutzungsfestival. Keynote: Bausteine für „Next Stadtraum“.

21.10.2024   Barcelona Fachkonferenz “Bridging Schools of Thought: New Frontiers in the Research on Commons and Commoning. Fachvortrag: “Institutional expansion in cultural commons: commoning practices and the management of paradoxical obstacles in GLAMs”

29.09.2024   Gallin/Lübeck: Fachkonferenz “„Aufbruch wagen!“. Keynote: “Bausteine für zukünftige Wohlstandsalternativen”.


Academic Book

Bastian Lange, Martina Hülz, Benedikt Schmid, Christian Schulz (Hrsg.) (2024): Wohlstandsalternativen – Regionale Positionen und räumliche Praktiken

In the search for coping strategies for global crises, alternatives to the prevailing models of prosperity are needed. What can a good, successful and healthy life within planetary boundaries look like? What practices and processes shape a caring orientation towards prosperity? (Link)


City of Braunschweig

Study on urban production using the example of the “Urban Quarter Hauptgüterbahnhof in der Bahnstadt” in Braunschweig

STADTart and Multiplicities are supporting the city of Braunschweig as part of the conversion of the former main station into an urban quarter based on a mixed-use concept.

The results of the study are intended to strengthen the business location, particularly with regard to underpinning the existing large companies, as well as contributing to the sustainable and resource-conserving urban development of Braunschweig in accordance with the “Leipzig Charta” and to the attractiveness of the residential location.


Academic Journal

Bastian Lange, Veronika Cummings (eds.) (2024): Geographische Rundschau: Postwachstumsprozesse – geographische Perspektiven (7-8/2024)

The topic of post-growth is in great demand – also in geography didactics and school education (geography) due to its vividness, urgency and proximity to the real world (“How do we want to live?”). The journal compilation places the concept of “post-growth” in the current debate on planetary transformation. It raises questions about future perspectives on economic activity, the common good and the “good life” under diminishing conditions of freedom. It takes up debates and developments in the context of the global North-South debate in order to also make bridges or obstacles to the feasibility of sustainable paths visible.

Panteion University

Inpolis Urbanism GmbH


Post-pandemic challenges of GLAMS


The GLAMMONS project aims to provide answers to the post-pandemic challenges that galleries, libraries, archives and museums (GLAMS) are facing. Answers to pandemic-related transformations and digitization are given from the perspective of commons theory.

HU Berlin
IB Berlin


INnovative Arrangements für die Vorsorge im CAre- und Pflege-Bereich


The InCAREgio project (INnovative arrangements for provision in the "CAre sector in structurally weak REGIONS") is launched to identify the prerequisites and conditions for innovative coping strategies for the care shortage in the Märkisch-Oderland region.

ARL / Leibniz-Gemeinschaft


Alternative Welfare economies and regional development
Co-Leader of the Working Group of the Academy for Spatial Research

ARL Hannover

Guiding questions of the working group are: Who are the (potential) actors of a transformation of spatial development, how do they establish themselves and what forms of organisation do they form? What role do those who are willing to shape things play, what blockades exist? How is the participation of different social groups organised?

Bastian Lange


The Geography of New Working Spaces and the impact on the periphery
Member of the COST Action (EU Network)

Funded by EU COST Action

COST project network "The Geography of New Working Spaces and the impact on the periphery". Dr. Bastian Lange (University of Leipzig) is "Secondary Proposer" and member of the Management Committee. The project deals with the geographies of new places of work and forms of work.



Usability Study for a chapel in Augsburg
What uses can activate the Chapel in the Sheridan Park?

City of Augsburg

The study develops possible uses for the derelict Chapel in the Sheridan Park. Needs and potential for young adults, families and senior citizens are being identified. The extent to which public-civic partnership models can represent a resilient perspective for cooperative development.



(Neue) Garagen gründen:
Konzeptstudie "Neue Gründerzentren für Stuttgart"

In: PlanerIn, 6(23), S. 46-48.

With an expanded range of spaces and new support concepts, the city of Stuttgart wants to create infrastructures for the further dynamization of start-up activity in the future. The concept study carried out between Feb. 2021 and Feb. 2022 examined the current situation and support structures for start-ups in Stuttgart.

paper planes e.V.
Studio qrfld


Creative industries promote transformation
How can companies in the state of Brandenburg increase their competitiveness?

Ministry of Economic Affairs Brandenburg

The great challenges of our time also require adjustments from many companies in the state of Brandenburg (Germany): new strategies, business models and processes are often needed and creativity is required! In a working lab, transformation experts develop approaches on how collaboration can be more frequent and fruitful.

Bastian Lange


Aspects for the transformation of our cities
“Wanted by everyone and yet without a lobby? How urban development works”

Keynote at the Berlin Real Estate Congress

In the panel “Wanted by everyone and yet without a lobby? How urban development works”, the real estate industry asks itself self-critically why the necessary adaptation of our cities to climate change, post-fossil mobility, inclusion and liveable and fair cities is not really working? I present five good forms of use.

Lange, Bastian
Pütz, Marco
Engstler, Martin


Lake Constance region
Continous growth or restarting as a transregional postgrowth region?

In: ARL Nachrichten (in print)

Bastian Lange


The City of the Future: Why urban development can only be thought creatively
Lecture in the panel

Hamburg, German Creative Economy Summit

Hamburg, German Creative Economy Summit: Lecture in the panel “THE CITY OF THE FUTURE: WHY CITY DEVELOPMENT CAN ONLY BE THOUGHT OF CREATIVELY” with Dr. Bastian Lange, Tina Unruh, Ivana Rohr and Robin Höning (endboss)

Micek, G.
Baycan, T.
Lange, B.


A Taxonomy of New Working Spaces

In: Mariotti I., Tomaz E., Micek G. & Mendez-Ortega C. (Hrsg.), Evolution of New Working Spaces. SpringerBriefs in Applied Sciences and Technology.

In this chapter, we present a definition of new working spaces (NeWSps). We then delve into the unique characteristics of different types of NeWSps. We propose a typology that classifies these spaces based on the primary needs of their users.

Inpolis Urbanism
Anneke von Holst
Studio qrfld
Simon Wöhr


Guidelines for the built environment
EX-Wost-research section


The aim of this project is to draw up the guidelines for "Built Environment" in Germany: as a key document, it will formulate the federal government's position on building culture. The guidelines aim to describe goals, fields of action and needs as well as concrete tasks in the field of building culture in Germany.
Kacheln pro Seite
Panteion University

Inpolis Urbanism GmbH


Post-pandemic challenges of GLAMS


The GLAMMONS project aims to provide answers to the post-pandemic challenges that galleries, libraries, archives and museums (GLAMS) are facing. Answers to pandemic-related transformations and digitization are given from the perspective of commons theory.

HU Berlin
IB Berlin


INnovative Arrangements für die Vorsorge im CAre- und Pflege-Bereich


The InCAREgio project (INnovative arrangements for provision in the "CAre sector in structurally weak REGIONS") is launched to identify the prerequisites and conditions for innovative coping strategies for the care shortage in the Märkisch-Oderland region.

Bastian Lange


The Geography of New Working Spaces and the impact on the periphery
Member of the COST Action (EU Network)

Funded by EU COST Action

COST project network "The Geography of New Working Spaces and the impact on the periphery". Dr. Bastian Lange (University of Leipzig) is "Secondary Proposer" and member of the Management Committee. The project deals with the geographies of new places of work and forms of work.

ARL / Leibniz-Gemeinschaft


Alternative Welfare economies and regional development
Co-Leader of the Working Group of the Academy for Spatial Research

ARL Hannover

Guiding questions of the working group are: Who are the (potential) actors of a transformation of spatial development, how do they establish themselves and what forms of organisation do they form? What role do those who are willing to shape things play, what blockades exist? How is the participation of different social groups organised?

Inpolis Urbanism
Anneke von Holst
Studio qrfld
Simon Wöhr


Guidelines for the built environment
EX-Wost-research section


The aim of this project is to draw up the guidelines for "Built Environment" in Germany: as a key document, it will formulate the federal government's position on building culture. The guidelines aim to describe goals, fields of action and needs as well as concrete tasks in the field of building culture in Germany.

Inpolis Urbanism


Feasibility Study for a creative quarter in Rostock
Study report for the development of a creative quarter in Rostock

City of Rostock

The subject of the study is the evaluation of possible locations for a new creative quarter in the Hanseatic City of Rostock. In the course of this examination assignment, the potential of the cultural and creative industries and its network-like, spatial as well as cultural and economic characteristics were named.

Studio Malta
Belius GmbH


New Start-up spaces for Stuttgart
Conceptual Study

Contracted by City of Stuttgart, Department for housing and urban planning

What types of start-up centres does Stuttgart need? Together with Studio Malta, Belius GmbH and PfAU, we analyse potentials for start-ups as well as strategies and measures that can be used to establish new technology and start-up centres for Stuttgart.

Weizenbaum Institut


Doing sovereinigty in collaboration
Senior Research Fellow


How do individuals and collectives deal with increasingly complex technologies and the changing relations of inequality in the field of tension between regulation, technology development and digital competences?

Bastian Lange
Steve Harding
Susy Silva


Design Sprint
Villa Vigoni (Italy)

German Research Council (DFG)

Under the auspices of Villa Vigoni, Italy, and funded by the DFG, European decision-makers and academics participated in a one-day joint Design Sprint seminar on 25 October. 15 participants developed ideas and criteria for the revitalisation of inner-city spaces.

Belius GmbH
Studio Malta


Location Analysis
Stadtgut Hellersdorf

Client: Gesobau AG

With Belius GmbH and Studio Malta, we support Gesobau's location development in the Hellersdorf city district (Hellersdorf-Marzahn district). We carry out a plausibility check of the management, user and operator concept. The potential analysis determines precisely fitting relationships.

Belius GmbH
Studio Malta


Feasability Study
Analysis of the potential of Start-ups in ICT, media, creative industries

Client: ZFF (Zentrum für Film- und Fernsehen) GmbH

Multiplicities, together with Belius GmbH, Studio Malta and architect Nele Zareh, is working on a feasibility study for a planned Start-up Hub in the media city of Babelsberg/Potsdam. It contains an analysis of the potential of "founders" in the convergence area ICT, media, creative industries.

Belius GmbH


Flussbad Berlin
New narratives for alternative urban developement in Berlin

Client and Partner: Flussbad Berlin e.V.

Multiplicities and Belius GmbH are working on a simplification of the presentation in the outdoor area as well as new narratives for the project Flussbad in order to achieve more comprehension for the general public and to attract new stakeholders.

Belius GmbH


Feasability Study Potsdam
Creative Industries as potential for urban development in Potsdam

Client: ProPotsdam GbH

Bastian Lange
Valentin Domann


Regional Impact Analysis
Analysis of the economic impact of the music ecosystem in Brisbane and Vancouver.

Client: Sound Diplomacy London

Multiplicities conducted regional impact analyzes for Sound Diplomacy (London / Berlin) to determine economic returns of the music ecosystem in Brisbane and Vancouver. Clubs, festivals, labels and distribution structures are becoming more and more important growth segments in urban areas.



Urban development and young adults
Future Workshops "Future urban spaces of youth"

Auftraggeber: BMBF

Today's environmental policy determines the living conditions and living conditions of future generations in many areas. Young people and young adults should be able to influence. What is important to you? In which environment do young people want to live?



Urban Innovation Lab
Co-Create your Kiez!

Client: Kulturelle Stadtentwicklung Mannheim GmbH

Multiplicities invited to the "Urban Innovation Lab Neckarstadt-West: Co-create your Kiez!" as part of the design festival Uncover. People from Mannheim developed scenarios for the Neckarstadt-West from observations and moods in film, audio, photography or text.

Bastian Lange


RGCS Network
Research Group on Collaborative Spaces (RGCS)

Organisation: Université Paris-Dauphine, PSL

RGCS is inspired by the makers and open scientific movements. The culture of DIY, open knowledge and democracy are at the heart of its values.

Bastian Lange


De-Growth Economies
Co-Leader of the working group on de-growth within the ARL

Organisation: ARL Hannover

The starting point of the working group are observations of how economic processes can be thought in direct relation to the needs of man and nature.



Study report on internationalisation
Creative Industries and foreign Culture- and Education policies

Client: Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen (IfA), AA

Multiplicities presents options for an internationalisation of the creative industries. The results present different approaches, financing budgets, organisational structures and objectives of internationalisation policies for cultural and creative industries.



BMBF-Project Cowerk
Value creation on open work labs

Client: BMBF/Fraunhofer UMSICHT

Multiplicities analyses value creation processes at almost 500 open labs in the BMBF project COWERK. Partners are: IÖW, University of Bremen, Fraunhofer UMSICHT and the Association of Open Workshops (VOW).

Bastian Lange


Internationalisation of the music industries in Berlin
Necessities – Call to Action – Thesis

Client: BMC, Most Wanted Berlin.

In order to understand the structures of European and international markets in particular and to initiate fruitful cooperation, the Berlin Music Commission asked Multiplicities in order to analyze and present internationalization opportunities.

Dr. Patrick Föhl
Tina Gadow


Cultural placemaking and urban development
Participation, analysis and citizen engagement

Client: Kulturreferat Augsburg

In cooperation with Dr. Patrick Föhl and Tina Gadow, Multiplicities carried out a strategic, citizen-oriented reorientation of the Augsburg cultural landscape for the city of Augsburg.

Bastian Lange


Scientific Network on "Field-Configuring Events"
DFG-funded scientific network

Organisation: Prof. Dr. Elke Schüßler, FU Berlin/Universität Linz

In 2013, Prof. Dr. Elke Schüßler initiated an interdisciplinary scientific network funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG), which aims to define conceptually more precisely field-configuring events and the mechanisms of action associated with them and thus to conduct theoretical development.

Inpolis GmbH


Collaborative Labour Opportunities in Brandenburg

Client: Land Brandenburg/ESF

The aim was to test collaborative forms of work and new partnerships on the labour market in rural Brandenburg. The project initiated cooperation between students in the creative industries and regional companies. They solve regional-based problems.



Market exploration study
Internationalisation of the german Creative Economy.

Client: BMZ/GIZ Bonn

Multiplicities analyses market potentials for the internationalisation of the German creative industries for the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) / Gesellschaft für internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ).



Capitalisation Process
Evaluation of Creative Industries projects within Interreg Europe Programm

Client: Interreg Europe

Analysing more than 100 projects on Creative Industries in Interreg Europe programm.

Bellius GmbH


Creativity and neighborhood
Neighborhood development in the Brunnenviertel (Berlin)

Client: BUWOG – Meermann GmbH

With Belius GmbH, Multiplicities is presenting an expertise on neighbourhood development in the Brunnenviertel (Berlin). It addresses creativity as a potential resource for inner-city development and presents a mapping of development opportunities through new forms of use and social forms in Berlin's Brunnenviertel.

Prognos AG


KMU Kreativ
Evaluation of funding models for Creative Industries.

Client: BMWi Berlin

Together with Prognos AG, Multiplicities analyses funding models in Saxony-Anhalt and Thuringia on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Economics in Berlin (BMWi) that support creative economic innovations in medium-sized companies.

Bastian Lange
Sylvia Amann


Capitalisation Process
Creative Industries within Interreg Europe

Client: Interreg Europe

The groundwork of developing policy instruments for cultural and creative industries (CCI) has been carried out over the past few years. Regions can now benefit from this groundwork by adopting existing good practices.

Bastian Lange


Spillover of Creative Industries.
Analysis of bottum-up-Potentials in the Ruhrgebiet.

Client: Ministerium für Familie, Kinder, Jugend,

Kultur und Sport, NRW.
The current crisis in Europe also means that in the future cultural and creative industries will increasingly be judged on the influence they can take on solutions to fundamental problems.

Prof. Kunzmann


International Policies for Creative Industries
Evaluation of good policies for Creative Industries in an international Comparison

Client: Kreativgesellschaft Hamburg mbH

Studio Urban Catalyst


Creative Milieus
Creative Milieus and open spaces in Hamburg

Client: BSU der Freien und Hansestadt Hamburg

The aim of this study is to add an urban dimension to the economic perspective. This opens up new and complex fields of action for urban development. The location analysis shows the interaction between creative industries and urban development.

Bastian Lange
Leibniz.Institut für Länderkunde


Accomodating Creative Knowledge Industries in an enlarged Europe (ACRE)

Organisation: 6. EU-Rahmenprogramm der Forschung

In this project we aim to assess the impact of the emerging ‘creative class’ and the rise of the ‘creative industries’ on the competitiveness of EU metropolitan regions.



(Neue) Garagen gründen:
Konzeptstudie "Neue Gründerzentren für Stuttgart"

In: PlanerIn, 6(23), S. 46-48.

With an expanded range of spaces and new support concepts, the city of Stuttgart wants to create infrastructures for the further dynamization of start-up activity in the future. The concept study carried out between Feb. 2021 and Feb. 2022 examined the current situation and support structures for start-ups in Stuttgart.

Lange, Bastian
Pütz, Marco
Engstler, Martin


Lake Constance region
Continous growth or restarting as a transregional postgrowth region?

In: ARL Nachrichten (in print)

Micek, G.
Baycan, T.
Lange, B.


A Taxonomy of New Working Spaces

In: Mariotti I., Tomaz E., Micek G. & Mendez-Ortega C. (Hrsg.), Evolution of New Working Spaces. SpringerBriefs in Applied Sciences and Technology.

In this chapter, we present a definition of new working spaces (NeWSps). We then delve into the unique characteristics of different types of NeWSps. We propose a typology that classifies these spaces based on the primary needs of their users.

Lange, Bastian
Pütz, Marco
Herlo, Bianca


Rethinking geographies of sovereignty
Towards a conceptual framework of situated sovereignty

Geography Compass Vol. 17 Issue 12 Pages e12728 PDF

Mariotti, Ilaria
Capdevilla, Ignasi
Lange, Bastian


Flexible geographies of new working spaces

In: European Planning Studies, 31(3), 433-444 PDF

Hesse, Markus
Lange, Bastian


The crisis of the city as a permanent challenge

In: Ökologisches Wirtschaften, 1 (38), p. 18-20 (PDF)

Bastian Lange
Martina Hülz
Benedikt Schmid
Christian Schulz


Post-growth geographies
Spatial Relations of Diverse and Alternative Economies

Bielefeld, transcript

Post-Growth Geographies examines the spatial relations of diverse and alternative economies. It brings together conceptual and empirical contributions from geography and its neighbouring disciplines and offers perspectives on the possibilities, demands and critiques of post-growth transformation.

Bastian Lange


Together is Better
Harnessing the creative power of urban collaborative spaces

The Sociological Review, Feb. 2022

Governments have reacted differently across Europe during the pandemic, mainly aiming at saving lives among at-risk groups. Young adults and less at-risk groups, however, have slipped under the radar of these top-down policies and been marginalised. This has also been the case with fragile and small-scale places.

Bastian Lange
Bianca Herlo
Marco Pütz
Yasmine Willi


New working spaces in rural areas
Designing a research agenda on regional sovereignty (…)

In: Mariotti /  Bednar /  Di Marino (eds).

How can we use the idea of regional sovereignty as a heuristic concept that analyses regional capacity? In: Mariotti / Bednar / Di Marino (Hrsg.), New working spaces and implications for urban and regional development post Covid-19. London, Routledge-RSA Regions & Cities Book Series – Regions, Cities and Covid-19. p. 95-108.

Hans-Joachim Bürkner
Bastian Lange


Using situated spatial concepts to explain work processes in the context of post-growth economies.

In: Lange /  Hülz /  Schmid /  Schulz (eds.), Post-growth geographies – Spatial relations of alternative and diverse economies. Bielefeld, transcript. p. 39-60.

Bastian Lange
Hans-Joachim Bürkner


Ambiguous Avant-gardes and Their Geographies
On Blank Spots of the Postgrowth Debate

In: Die Erde 152, Vol. 4: p. 273-287.

In the following article, the focus is on the transformative potentials created by so-called persistence avant-gardes and prevention innovators. The text extends Blühdorn’s guiding concept of narratives of hope (Blühdorn 2017) by considering those groups that are marginalized within debates on socio-ecological transformation.

Lorenz Erdmann
Bastian Lange


Konzeptionelle Impulse für die TA zur individualisierten Produktion
Eine kulturtheoretische Verortung am Beispiel von Offenen Werkstätten

In: R. Lindner (Hrsg.), Gesellschaftliche Transformation (…) Baden-Baden, Nomos. p. 171-184.

The contribution critically examines the opportunities and risks as well as limitations of technology assessment in the context of societal transformation processes. The volume brings together the contributions of the 8th International Conference of the Network Technology Assessment, which took place from Nov. 7 to 8, 2020.

Bastian Lange


Framing third places for universities' third mission
Field Configuring Events as collaborative learning and transfer formats

In: International Journal of Training and Development 25, Vol. 4: p. 433-449

The paper uses the heuristics of a spatial perspective of so-called Field Configuring Events (FCE) to investigate the question of how these new educational and project-related transfer and collaboration courses in higher education context can capture the fundamentally changed institutional role fostering regional development.

Hans-Joachim Bürkner
Bastian Lange


New Geographies of Work
Re-scaling micro-worlds

In: European Spatial Research and Policy 27, Vol. 1: S. 53-74.

We demonstrate that spatial notions such as the local and the global (also in their ICT-related aspects) are very often mythologized. Moreover, they stick to more or less pre-fixed and under-complex understandings of scale. Alternatively, we argue that innovation and work flexibly “span” between local and global levels.

Hans-Joachim Bürkner
Bastian Lange


Situierte Raumkonzepte
Erklärung von Arbeitsprozessen im Kontext von Postwachstumsökonomien

In: Lange/Hülz/Schmid/Schulz (Hg.): Postwachstumsgeographien. Bielefeld, transcript. S. 35-58.

Bastian Lange


Das Versprechen der Nische
Lokale Orte als Brückenelement für die Transformation

In: Politische Ökologie 160: S. 53-57.

Nischenprojekte wie Offene Werkstätten und Repair-Cafés gelten als Hoffnungsträger. Dabei lassen sie sich nicht so einfach reproduzieren. Für ein echtes Verständnis wachstumskritischer Transformationsprozesse muss das Zusammenwirken unterschiedlicher Kontexte und Raumformen in den Fokus rücken.

Bastian Lange


Alternative economies and places
The Routledge Handbook of Place

In: Tim Edensor / Ares Kalandides / Uma Kothari (Hrsg.), The Routledge Handbook of Place. London, Routledge. S. 563-572.

Bastian Lange
Martina Hülz
Benedikt Schmid
Christian Schulz


Raumbezüge diverser und alternativer Ökonomien

Bielefeld, transcript

Der Band »Postwachstumsgeographien« untersucht die Raumbezüge diverser und alternativer Ökonomien. Die Beiträge greifen diesen Ansatz erstmals umfassend auf und eröffnen mit Fachbeiträgen aus der Geographie verschiedene Perspektiven.

Bastian Lange
Suntje Schmidt


Entrepreneurial ecosystems as a bridging concept?
A conceptual contribution to the debate on entrepreneurship and regional development.

In: Growth and Change, DOI: 10.1111/grow.12409

Bastian Lange
Steve Harding
Tom Cahill-Jones


Collaboration at New Places of Production
a European View on Procedural Policy Making for Makerspaces

In: European Journal of Creative Practices in Cities and Landscapes 2, Vol. 2: p. 67-85.

Bastian Lange
Hans-Joachim Bürkner


»Beharrungsavantgarden« und Verhinderungsinnovatoren«

In: Lange/Hülz/Schmid/Schulz (Hg.): Postwachstumsgeographien. Bielefeld, transcript. S. 279-304.

Hans-Joachim Bürkner
Bastian Lange


Innovation als Produkt sozialer und räumlicher Nähe
Eine überkommene Vorstellung?

In: Ingrid Breckner / Albrecht Göschel / Ulf Matthiesen (Hrsg.), Handbuch Stadtsoziologie und Stadtentwicklung. Mannheim, Nomos Verlag. S. 743-754.

Zeitlich variable und strukturell flexible Formen der „Verräumlichung des Sozialen und Ökonomischen“ durchziehen mittlerweile ein offenes Innovationsgeschehen, dessen konkrete Räumlichkeit – zwischen den Extremen „physischer Ort“ und „virtueller Raum“ – innerhalb der betreffenden ökonomischen Felder jeweils neu ermittelt werden muss.

Working Group ARL


Covid-19 and Postgrowth Geographies
Position paper

Leibniz-Association ARL

Together with Dr. Martina Hülz (ARL), Prof. Dr. Christian Schulz (University of Luxembourg) and Dr. Benedikt Schmid (University of Freiburg), the multifaceted reactions in the context of post-growth approaches in the current academic situation will be discussed. Cornerstones of an emancipatory transition perspective will be highlighted.

Bastian Lange


ARL Policy Paper Covid-19
How does the covid-19 pandemic affects the transformation of our economic systems=

Leibniz Association

Bastian Lange


Labs: Places of hope?
Creative City Magazin Berlin

Client: Kulturprojekte Berlin

Everyone is talking about digitization. It is often overlooked here that Berlin has become a diversified experimental laboratory combining experimental craftsmanship ("low tech") with the latest technologies ("high tech").

Lorenz Erdmann
Bastian Lange


Technology assessment for the society of singularities
New impulses from a cultural theory perspective using the example of open workshops

In: TaTuP (2019) 28/1, p. 65-70.

Building upon the singular features of open workshops, we argue that technology assessment needs to develop new concepts for assessing the societal impact of singularities, and suggest three key points that also apply to other singularization technologies, such as 3D printing.

Bastian Lange
Valentin Domann


Aus der Nische in die Welt?
Lokalität, Kopräsenz und widerstreitende Transitionsgeographien bei offenen Werkstätten

In: Berichte. Geographie und Landeskunde 92, Vol. 1: S. 47-64.

Our contribution focuses on socio-spatial contexts of the protagonists of open workshops and the way in which practices of localization take place in urban contexts.

Bastian Lange


Collaborative Spaces for Transformation
How can social collaborative mechanism of small-scale, bottum-up placemaking approaches envision new and broadly accepted uses for in between spaces?

Publisher: Actors of Urban Change

Collaborative Spaces for Transformation presents a new generation of city-makers that is shaping the transition to the next city.

Bastian Lange


Transitional geographies
On co-presence in Open Labs

In: Creativity in urban context – An Action Research Project by Future Divercities, Creative Europe Programme, S. 51-57

In the face of multiple crises in the financial sector, food production, climate change, the crisis of political legitimacy, participation, and destruction of natural resources, as well as useless consumption, many protagonists have started to install so-called open workshops worldwide. This article looks at the particular socio-spatial contexts.

Bastian Lange
Elke Schüssler


Unpacking the middleground of creative cities
Spatiotemporal dynamics in the configuration of the Berlin design field

In: Regional Studies, Vol. 52, Issue 11.

This paper sheds a light on the middleground of creative cities, highlighted as a crucial intermediary between creative scenes on the underground and formal institutions on the upperground.

Bastian Lange
Hans-Joachim Bürkner


Flexible value creation
Conceptual prerequisites and empirical explorations in open workshops

In: Geoforum Vol. 88, Jan. 2018, p. 96-104

The empirical case of Open Workshops illustrates in which ways context-dependent routines of trial & error, latency and flexible processes effect changes in field-specific configuration of value creation.

Bastian Lange


Neue Formen des Produzierens in der Stadtregion

In: Nachrichten der ARL 4: S. 33-36

Bastian Lange


The Paradox Between Individual Professionalization and Dependence on Social Contexts and Professional Scenes

In: Innerhofer et al. (Hrsg.): Entrepreneurship in Culture and Creative Industries, Springer. S. 85-97

This book explains and analyzes entrepreneurship and cultural management issues in the creative and cultural sectors and discusses the impacts of economic, social and structural changes on cultural entrepreneurship.

Bastian Lange


Kreative Interventionen
Kollaboration in der Peripherie

In: K. Wolter, D. Schiller, & C. Hesse (Eds.), Kreative Pioniere: Innovative Ansätze (auch) für den ländlichen Raum? (pp. 440-464). Stuttgart.

The text summarizes the results of the project "Collaborative Labor Opportunities in Brandenburg", which was carried out between 2013-2015. The project tests new forms of cooperation in a transnational exchange of knowledge and experience.

Venkat Aryan
Jürgen Bertling
Bastian Lange


Topologie, Typologie und Dynamik
Dynamik der Commons-Based Peer Production in Deutschland

In: WORKING PAPER, Fraunhofer Umsicht.

Die Idee der Commons-Based Peer Production (CBPP) [Benkler 2007] hat sich in den letzten Jahren von einer Nischenaktivität für Individuen zu einem weit verbreiteten globalen Phänomen entwickelt, bei dem die Anzahl, Größe und Vernetzung der Maker-Aktivitäten weltweit zunimmt [Dougherty, Conrad 2016].

Belius GmbH


Transformation of technology and start-up-centers
Coworking in the city-region of Kiel

Client: Wirtschaftsförderung Eckernförde und Rendsburg

Recently, a rethinking of such transitional spaces and, in the broadest sense, rural areas, has begun to strengthen their qualities and to counteract any asymmetries to cities and metropolitan areas in a meaningful way.



Young perspektices on environmental- and urban policies
Process report on the project „Future? Ask youngsters!“

Client: UBA/BMUB

What significance do environmental and nature conservation and sustainable urban development have for young people and young adults? And what do you expect from politics regarding the future development of these areas? Answering these questions was the goal of the study.

Hans-Joachim Bürkner
Bastian Lange


Sonic capital
Analysing value creation and 'trial and error' in the digital age

In: City, Culture, and Society, 10(Sept.), 33-40.

Since not long ago independent urban music production was stirred up by digital change and dramatic shifts in music markets. Local scenes of producers, labels, clubs and DJs have been challenged to cope with new digital formats.

Bastian Lange


Musikalische Produktion 2.0.
Digitale Empfehlungssysteme, Journalisten und Bewertungsalternativen

In: Schwetter et al. (Hrsg.): Die Produktivität von Musikkulturen, Wiesbaden, VS-Verlag, S. 167-184

The volume is dedicated to the (development) dynamics of music cultures from the point of view of productivity as a central concept of economic thinking, the use of which is hardly reflected in current cultural science debates.

Bastian Lange


Making your Career in Creative Industries:
The Paradoxes between Individual Professionalization and Dependence on Social Contexts

In: Chapain & Stryjakiewicz (Hrsg.): Creative industries in Europe: Springer. S. 109-127

Bastian Lange


Updating Kultur- und Kreativwirtschaft:
Neue Produktionslogiken und Wertschöpfungskonfigurationen als Herausforderung für Politik und Wissenschaft.

In: Wirtschaftspol. Blätter 64, Vol. 1, S. 91-106.

Bastian Lange


Offene Werkstätten und Postwachstumsökonomien:
Kollaborative Orte als Wegbereiter transformativer Wirtschaftsentwicklungen?

In: Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsgeographie, 61, Vol. 1, S. 38-55

In jüngster Zeit richtet sich ein Fokus der Postwachstumsdebatte auf sogenannte offene Werkstätten (z. B. Siebdruck-, Fahrradwerkstätten, Repair Cafés, FabLabs u. a.) und die sich dabei vollziehenden offenen kollaborativen Prozesse.

Bastian Lange


Zwischen MP3 und Stagediving

In: Musikforum, 3, S.56-58

Bastian Lange


Ein Rück- und Ausblick: der Brexit und die Musikindustrie.

In: Musikforum, 4, S. 50-53

Bastian Lange
Hans-Joachim Bürkner


Open workshops as sites of innovative socio-economic practices:
Approaching urban post-growth.

In: Local Environment 23, Vol 7.: p. 680-696.

Current debates on knowledge-based and creative locational development have come to deal with small urban places of novelty that formerly remained unnoticed.

Bastian Lange


From „Cool Britannia“ to „Angry Britannia“?
A look back and forward: on the Brexit and the Music industry in UK

In: Musikforum, 4, 50-53. 

Bastian Lange examines Britain's creative industry: How could Brexit affect them, can artists maintain their nonchalance, their "coolness" of recent decades despite disorientation and uncertainty?

Bastian Lange


Creative Industries International
Intersections toward the foreign cultural policy

Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen/Auswärtiges Amt, Stuttgart/Berlin

The cultural and creative industries hold numerous potentials within the framework of foreign cultural and educational policy (AKBP). On the one hand, it can serve as a source of ideas, a bridge-builder and a transmission belt, as Bastian Lange's present study emphasises.

Bastian Lange
Florian Knetsch
D. Riesenberg


Kreativwirtschaft und Mittelstand: Erfolgsfaktoren, Methoden und Instrumente

Wiesbaden: Springer-Verlag.

Dieses Buch zeigt, dass die Kreativ- und Kulturwirtschaft Impulsgeber für Innovationen und die Implementierung neuer Technologien in Unternehmen anderer Branchen sein kann. Unternehmen der Kreativwirtschaft verfügen über besondere Kompetenzen im Hinblick auf die Gestaltung offener und nutzerorientierter Innovationsprozesse.

Bastian Lange


The Evolution of Music Tastemakers
The Rise of Algorithms and the Response of Journalists.

In: B. J. Hracs, M. Seman, & T. Virani (Eds.), The Production and Consumption of Music in the Digital Age (pp. 237-247). London: Routledge.

The decline of large corporations in the music industry-the “major labels”— as the dominant unit for the production of value-added processes is closely associated with the equally declining importance of traditional taste-making institutions such as radio, sales charts, and journalists.

Bastian Lange


Riskantes Unternehmertum = riskante Kreativwirtschaft?
Beitrag im Monatsmagazin von Kulturmanagement Network

In: KM, 113, August 2016, S. 26-29.

In den vergangenen zwei Dekaden hat sich paradoxerweise eine strukturell doppelte Prekariät herausgebildet.

Bastian Lange
Valentin Domann
Valerie Häfele


Open Work Labs
An empirical survey of collaborativepractices in Germany

IÖW Schriftenreihe 213/16

In the summer of 2015, we conducted a survey of 453 open work labs in Germany to take a closer look at their innovation and work processes. On the basis of a data sample of 103 response rates (response rate 23%), the present study reconstructs the social, material and economic impact processes.

Bastian Lange


Cultural industries
Transition economies

In: K. Oakley & J. O’Connor (Eds.), Routledge Companion to the Cultural Industries (pp. 257-267). London: Routledge.

From the very beginning of the formulation of cultural industries in the last decades, many scholars in the field of cultural and creative industries (CCI) have emphasized the nexus of urban transformations to the spatial embedding of cultural industries as well as its transformation of work and production forms.

Bastian Lange


Fablabs and Hackerspaces
Die Rolle der Maker-Community für eine nachhaltige Wirtschaft

In: Ökologisches Wirtschaften, 30.1(1), 8-9.

Maker communities are the social resonance space in which rehearsing, repairing, printing and chopping takes place. Can sustainable economic processes emerge from this?

Batian Lange

Internationalisierungspotential der Kultur- und Kreativwirtschaft
Eine Markterkundungsstudie

Auftraggeber: BMZ/GIZ, Bonn.

Die Markterkundungsstudie hatte die Aufgabe, ein großes Spektrum an Fragen zu beantworten. Sie reichen von Definitionen der Kultur- und Kreativwirtschaft, ihren quantitativen Merkmalen, Innovationsverständnissen, Praxisbeispielen bis hin zu potentiellen Kooperationspartnern und Förderansätzen.

Bastian Lange


Internationalisation of the German culture and creative Economy
A market survey study report

Client: BMZ/GIZ, Bonn

The market investigation study had the task of answering a wide range of questions. They range from definitions of the cultural and creative industries, their quantitative features, understanding of innovation, practical examples to potential cooperation partners and funding approaches.

Bastian Lange


Konfigurationen von Wertschöpfung
Musikproduktion zwischen Orten und Szenen

In: Barber-Kersovan / Kirchberg / Kuchar (Hrsg.), Music City. Musikalische Annäherungen an die »kreative Stadt«. S. 83-99.

Insbesondere in der Musikwirtschaft ist die Analyse wertschöpfender Prozesse erheblich erschwert, da sich Produktion und Dienstleistungen häufig in rasch umbrechenden sozialen Milieus und kreativen Szenen vollziehen und generell hochgradig kontingent sind.

Bastian Lange
Dominic Power
Lech Suwala


Field Configuring Events
Special Issue

In: Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsgeographie, 58(4), 187-201. 

This paper treats the concept of ‘field-configuring events’ (FCE) and relates it to economic geographical research. The FCE approach attempts to draw attention to the role of events in fields of economic and social action.

Anne von Streit
Bastian Lange


Governance of Creative Industries
The Role of Social and Professional Networks

In: Sako Musterd / Zoltán Kovács (Hrsg.), Place-making and Policies for Competitive Cities. John Wiley & Sons. S. 293-313.

Bastian Lange / Hans-Joachim Buerkner /
Elke Schuessler (Hrsg.)


Akustisches Kapital: Wertschöpfung in der Musikwirtschaft

Transcript, Bielefeld.

Die Musikwirtschaft befindet sich in Zeiten der Digitalisierung und Virtualisierung radikal im Wandel Produktion und Vertrieb finden immer häufiger unmittelbar in rasch umbrechenden sozialen Milieus und kreativen Szenen statt; vormals fixierte Anlässe, Orte und Formen der Wertschöpfung verflüssigen sich.

Bastian Lange
Harry Saiko
Gottfried Prascenc


Urbanität im 21. Jahrhundert.

Verlag: Jovis Verlag, Berlin.

Public spaces are a dynamic and controversial issue in the urbanized twenty-first century. From Tahrir Square in Cairo to Zuccotti Park in New York, they have become the point of culmination of new social designs. In “New Downtowns”, such as in HafenCity Hamburg, new combinations of functions are being tried out.

Bastian Lange
Hans-Joachim Bürkner


Value-creation in the creative economy
The case of electronic club music in Germany.

In: Economic Geography 82, 2: p. 149–169.

The focus of this article is on the variability of value creation in the popular music industry. Recent trends in electronic music have been based on both the valorization of global tastes and of local specialities in performance and production.

Bastian Lange
Anne von Streit


Governance of creative industries?
A comparison of software/games industry in Munich and Leipzig

In: Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsgeographie 57, Vol. 3: S. 122–138.

Bastian Lange


Journalisten in der Musikindustrie
De-Professionalisierung durch Algorithmen?

In: Lange / Bürkner / Schuessler (Hrsg.), Akustisches Kapital. Wertschöpfung in der Musikindustrie. Bielefeld, Transcript. S. 191-212.

Die Beiträge des Bandes zeigen: Für die entstehenden Wertschöpfungskonfigurationen ist entscheidend, wie flexibel musikalische Ausdrucksformen erzeugt werden – und ob es gelingt, daraus »akustisches Kapital« in der Form von musikalischen Ideen oder vorkommerziellen Produkten zu bilden.

Ralf Ebert
Klaus Kunzmann
Bastian Lange


Kreativwirtschaftspolitik in Metropolen.
Internationale Politiken im Vergleich

Verlag: Verlag Dorothea Rohn, Dortmund.

Die Bedeutung der Kreativwirtschaft für die Prosperität von metropolitanen Standorten, für ihr Image und Profil sowie vor allem für die Innovationsfähigkeit von kreativen Branchen wird auch in Zukunft weiter wachsen.



创意莱比锡: 在 “自下而上” 的城市里创意经济如何演变
Creative Leipzig: Understanding the Evolution of Emerging Creative Economies in a "Bottom-up" City

In: Urban Planning International 27, Vol. 03: S. 6-10.

Bastian Lange


Field configuring Events
Spatial politics and professional scene formation in the design segment of Berlin

In: Gertraud Koch (Hrsg.), Arbeit & Alltag. Frankfurt a. M., Campus Verlag. S. 59-80.

Holm Friebe
Bastian Lange


Innovation Ecologies
Four Scenarios for the Creative Industries in NRW.

Organisation: Clustermanagement Kreativwirtschaft NRW.

Where do innovations come from, what are the conditions for them and what do they need at all? How does the nature of innovation itself change? And what do artists and creative people contribute?

Bastian Lange
Ares Kalandides
Birgit Stöber
Inga Wellmann


Governance der Kreativwirtschaft
Diagnosen und Handlungsoptionen.

Bielefeld: Transcript.

Dieser Band diskutiert aktuelle und zukünftige Steuerungsoptionen der Kreativwirtschaft. Internationale Experten aus Forschung und Praxis stellen das Orientierungswissen zu neuen Institutionen, Wissensmanagement und vernetzten transnationalen Arbeitsformen vor und problematisieren die Frage der Steuerbarkeit dieses aufstrebenden Handlungsfeldes.

Malte Bergmann
Bastian Lange


Eigensinnige Geographien
Städtische Raumaneignungen als Ausdruck gesellschaftlicher Teilhabe.

Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften 

Stadt ist im 21. Jahrhundert die zentrale Schnittstelle von vielschichtigen sozialen, ökologischen und kulturellen Verunsicherungen sowie gleichzeitig Ausgangspunkt bei der Suche nach neuen Formen der Alltagsbewältigung.

Bastian Lange
Anne von Streit
Markus Hesse


Creative Industries in Cities and Regions
Implications, actions and governance

Client: BBSR, Bonn.

What possibilities do cities and city regions have to include elements of the cultural and creative industries in urban development planning? This question is devoted to this publication.

Bastian Lange


Die Räume der Kreativszenen
Culturepreneurs und ihre Orte in Berlin

Bielefeld: Transcript.

Die strukturelle Transformation im Berlin der Nachwendezeit beförderte neben wirtschaftlichen auch kulturelle Innovationsprozesse. Culturepreneurs, d.h. kulturelle Unternehmer insbesondere im Design-Segment, sind dabei für die Produktion von sozialen, professionellen und urbanen Räumen verantwortlich.

Bastian Lange


Aspects for the transformation of our cities
“Wanted by everyone and yet without a lobby? How urban development works”

Keynote at the Berlin Real Estate Congress

In the panel “Wanted by everyone and yet without a lobby? How urban development works”, the real estate industry asks itself self-critically why the necessary adaptation of our cities to climate change, post-fossil mobility, inclusion and liveable and fair cities is not really working? I present five good forms of use.

Bastian Lange


The City of the Future: Why urban development can only be thought creatively
Lecture in the panel

Hamburg, German Creative Economy Summit

Hamburg, German Creative Economy Summit: Lecture in the panel “THE CITY OF THE FUTURE: WHY CITY DEVELOPMENT CAN ONLY BE THOUGHT OF CREATIVELY” with Dr. Bastian Lange, Tina Unruh, Ivana Rohr and Robin Höning (endboss)

Bastian Lange


Von flexiblen zu situierten Geographien
Konzeptionalisierung von Innovation und experimentellen Arbeitsprozessen

Vortrag auf dem Deutschen Kongress für Geographie 2023, Frankfurt/M.

Lange, Bastian
Nuissl, Henning


Forschungsperspektiven von regionalen “Geographien der Gesundheit”

Vortrag auf dem Deutschen  Kongress für Geographie 2023, Frankfurt am Main

Bastian Lange


Umbau der Wirtschaft!
Was leistet die Perspektive „Postwachstum“?

Keynote auf der Veranstaltung des Bayreuther Forum 1,5

Bastian Lange


From Flexible to Situated Geographies
Conceptualising Innovative and Experimental Work Processes

Organization: Karlsruhe Institute for Technology (KIT)

Bastian Lange


Inner-city spaces?
Tasks, functions, and ideas for the future of inner cities.

Keynote Economic Development Stuttgart

Keynote at the final EU conference on reviving vacancies in city centers with the help of the cultural and creative industries in the EU-funded project "CINEMA" (Creative Industries for New Urban Economies in the Danube Region).

Bastian Lange


Post-pandemic Cities
What is the role of culture?

Keynote at the German Institute for Urbanism (DIFU)

Inner cities need innovative approaches to reinvent the changing demands on sustainability, urban community life and experience orientation in inner cities. If (inner) urban development is understood as a cooperative task, this opens up new meaning.

Bastian Lange


Ambivalente Avantgarden und ihre Geographien
Impulse für die Postwachstumsdebatte

IÖR-Jahrestagung 2021, Dresden

Bastian Lange


Music and Spaces in the Global City Berlin:
Towards future-oriented Geographies

Organisation: ‘Night’ and music on Global North: Annual General Meeting of the ‘Association of Japanese Geographers’, Tokyo

Bastian Lange


Teaching as guest professor
University of Vechta

Organisation: University of Vechta

Bastian Lange


Urban and Housing Lab in Istanbul
International workshop at Özyeğin University Istanbul

Organisation: Özyeğin University Istanbul

Urban and Housing Lab in Istanbul: The 4th of IAPS-CS Network Culture and Space Meeting Series is held under the title “Istanbul as an Endless Place of Urban Articulation” by ÖZÜ-Faculty of Architecture and Design as a part of Özyeğin University’s 10th Anniversary Events.

Bastian Lange


Moderation Dock11 Saarland
Eröffnungsmoderation des neuen Kreativwirtschaftszentrums Dock11 für das Saarland

Veranstalter: Wirtschaftsministerium Saarland

Moderation des Symposiums im Rahmen der Eröffnungsveranstaltung von Dock 11, der Plattform für Kreativwirtschaftsförderung im Saarland und der Grenzregion zu Luxemburg, Frankreich und Belgien in Saarbrücken.

Bastian Lange


Thinking Regional Creative Industries anew
Value creation processes as a model of a regional based Creative Industries

Organizers: Leibniz-Institute for ecological Research

Keynote and discussion at the event "Stadt auf Probe - Urbane Experimente als Instrument der Stadtentwicklung" at the Denksalon in Görlitz. Value creation processes are presented as a model for different regional creative economy based on new, regionally grounded ideas of creative work.

Bastian Lange
City of Mannheim


Urban Innovation Lab
Video of the Lab at the Festival UNCOVER 2018 in Mannheim

Organiser: Kulturelle Stadtentwicklung Mannheim

The lab "Urban Innovation Lab Neckarstadt-West: Co-create your neighborhood!", took takes place within the framework of the design festival Uncover. It invited people from the city of Mannheim to develop their impressions, observations and moods on the situation of Neckarstadt-West cinematically, audibly, photographically or lyrically.



Innovation Lab
Location development through knowledge transfer

Auftraggeber: Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Berlin

Students of the University of Applied Sciences Berlin solve in teams issues of regionally based companies. Multiplicities carried out a first prototype "Innovation Lab" in 2014 on behalf of HTW Berlin and Wista Management GmbH.

Bastian Lange


Degrowth economies
Tal at the Institute for Geography (Münster)

Organisation: Universität Münster

Post-growth economies, path developments and irritating regional development dynamics in growth regions. Alternative and post-growth economies provoke new questions in geographic research.

Bastian Lange

2017 ff

Teaching at University of Leipzig
Teaching as Private Dozent

Organisation: Universität Leipzig

Since 2017 Bastian Lange has taught as a private lecturer at the University of Leipzig, Institute of Geography.

Bastian Lange


Interactive Workshop
Participation. Urbanism. Interaction

Partners: Stiftung EVZ, Auswärtiges Amt, Robert-Bosch-Stiftung

In summer 2018 Multiplicities supported the German-Ukrainian youth exchange "Participation. Urbanism. Interaction". It brings together 20 young participants from Berlin and Chernihiv and promotes the discussion about active participation and transformation of public space.

Bastian Lange
Benedict Schmidt


World Forum
Session at the World Economic Geography Conference in Cologne

Organisation: University of Cologne

The task of the session is to invite papers to better understand the rapidly growing field of “grassroots innovation movements” (Smith 2017). The session will be a platform that seeks to discuss current empirical, conceptual and case-study contributions analysing occurrences of experimental urban transformations (Färber 2014).

Lorenz Erdmann
Bastian Lange


The singularisation of the society
Conzeptional impulses and open work labs

Organisation: 8. internationale Konferenz des NTA in Karlsruhe

Using the example of the singularity properties of open work labs, we argue that a conceptual discussion of TA with the societal effects of singularities is necessary, and therefore present new cornerstones for the TA program for discussion.

Bastian Lange


Geographies of Transition
Konzeptionelle Eckpunkte und empirische Perspektiven der Postwachstumsökonomien

Organisation: Universität Jena, Institut für Geographie

Bastian Lange


Transitionsdesigns von Experimentierräumen
Prozesse und Perspektiven

Organisation: WZB, Berlin

Fachvortrag am WZB.

Suntje Schmidt
Bastian Lange


Entrepreneurial ecosystems as a bridging concept?
A conceptual contribution to the debate on entrepreneurship and regional development

Organisation: EGOS, 2018, Tallin.

Workshop contribution “Entrepreneurial Ecosystems – Conceptualizations, Measurements, and Empirical Evidences”, 4 July 2018, Tallinn.

Bastian Lange


Transitional Geographies
On the role of Field Configuring Events

Organisation: University of Paderborn

This interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary symposium addresses in different formats central gravitational fields of this relational structure, such as pop events and cultural politics, democracy-political challenges of cultural policy, value networks within event cultures.

HTW Berlin


Video Innovation work lab
Video on the Innovation work lab Schöneweide (HTW Berlin)

Client: HTW Berlin

The INNOVATIONSWERKSTATT SCHÖNEWEIDE, funded by the Chamber of Commerce Berlin, offers small and medium-sized companies in Berlin tailor-made infrastructures for cooperative projects with students and professors from the Berlin University of Applied Sciences.

Bastian Lange


Collaborative Makerspaces
Productive arenas for alternative value creation

Organisation: College of Art in Plymouth

Making Futures is a biennial college-led international conference and research platform exploring the future of small-scale creative production.

Bastian Lange


Arbeitsorte in der Stadt: Innovationen und Raumbedarfe neuer Produktionen

Veranstaltung: Preisverleihung am 6. März 2017, Düsseldorf.

Die Auslobung „Vorbildliche Arbeitsorte in der Stadt“ hat 2016 erstmalig stattgefunden und wird von der IHK Nordrhein-Westfalen (IHK NRW) und dem West- deutschen Handwerkskammertag (WHKT) unterstützt.

Bastian Lange


Making Mannheim
Resources for the transformation toward the city of tomorrow

Veranstaltung: StartUp Mannheim.

What makes a successful startup ecosystem? Even if the ideas are so great and motivates the founders, if the environment is not right, it will be difficult with a positive start-up development. Astonishingly, the expanded context in which founders and startups move is rarely given the necessary attention.

Bastian Lange


Future Forum at Kalkscheune, Berlin
Moderation and Communication of the BMUB-Future Forum

Organisation: UBA and BMUB Berlin

Moderation of the Future Forum "Innovative Communities and Public Interest Orientation in the Digital Age - Creating Social-Ecological Change Together"

Bastian Lange


Moderation Bürgerforum
Bürger Informationsveranstaltung zum Gaswerkareal

Veranstalter: Stadt Augsburg

Bastian Lange


Creative Industries and Creative Districts
Welche Bedingungen benötigt der Erfolg, was ist steuerbar?

Organisation:  vhw-Regionalkonferenz, Essen.

Bastian Lange


Collaborative Makerspaces
Arenas for alternative modes of value creation?

Organisation: 1st RGCS international Symposium, Paris.

Work and Workplace Transformations: Between Communities, Doing, and Entrepreneurship. Friday, 16th December 2016 - Paris (France).

Bastian Lange


Kreative Räume und Produktionsmöglichkeiten in der Metropolregion

Organisation: Metropolregion Hannover, Braunschweig, Göttingen, Wolfsburg

In Zusammenarbeit mit den kreativen Netzwerken sowie mit Akteuren der verschiedenen Teilbranchen hat die Metropolregion im Jahr 2016 das Festival „WIRKSTOFF“ geschaffen, das der Kultur- und Kreativwirtschaft in der Region um Hannover, Braunschweig, Göttingen und Wolfsburg eine Plattform gab.

Bastian Lange


From urban regeneration to co-producing urbanism
Keynote "Rigenerazione urbana: modelli italiani ed europei a confronto"

Organisation: Teatro del Collegio San Carlo, Modena (I).

Il 26 e 27 febbraio si è svolto a Modena, al Teatro San Carlo, un convegno internazionale dedicato al tema della rigenerazione urbana.

Bastian Lange


TEDx Talk Berlin
Makercity Berlin

Organiser: TEDx Berlin

TED Talk in ICC, Berlin on MakerCity Berlin.

Bastian Lange


Governance of Creative Industries in Germany
Keynote at the Creative Industry Strategy Forum, Seoul, South-Korea.

Client: Kocea.

Bastian Lange


Video des Vortrags auf der DGTF Jahrestagung 2013

Organisation: DGTF

Makertimes – Was ist von den neuen Makers wann zu erwarten

Bastian Lange


Academic Teaching
Guest professor at Humboldt University Berlin

Organisation: Humboldt University Berlin

Bastian Lange
Malte Bergmann


Urban Conflict and Contact Zones
International Sommer School Humboldt University Berlin

Organisation: Humboldt University Berlin

The overall aim oft he sommer school is to develop an analytical and a problem-solving perspective from the point of view of urban conflict and contact zones. Therefore, we will capitalize from urban studies as well as from design studies.

Bastian Lange


Taipeh: Urban and Regional Policies for Creative Economies
Keynote at the International Forum on Urban Regeneration, Taiwan.

Client: City of Taipeh, 11.-14.11.2011



Usability Study for a chapel in Augsburg
What uses can activate the Chapel in the Sheridan Park?

City of Augsburg

The study develops possible uses for the derelict Chapel in the Sheridan Park. Needs and potential for young adults, families and senior citizens are being identified. The extent to which public-civic partnership models can represent a resilient perspective for cooperative development.

paper planes e.V.
Studio qrfld


Creative industries promote transformation
How can companies in the state of Brandenburg increase their competitiveness?

Ministry of Economic Affairs Brandenburg

The great challenges of our time also require adjustments from many companies in the state of Brandenburg (Germany): new strategies, business models and processes are often needed and creativity is required! In a working lab, transformation experts develop approaches on how collaboration can be more frequent and fruitful.

Belius GmbH
Simon Wöhr


Feasibility Study for the city of Garbsen
Urban Design and Concept Study for a market place in Garbsen

City of Garbsen

The city of Garbsen wants to create new attractions with an attractive market hall and a farmers' market on the town hall square. Here, regional companies should be given the opportunity to sell their goods.



Socio-economic analysis of Kreuzberg
Perspectives of the commercial and residential developments in Kreuzberg


Which commercial development dynamics are taking place in Kreuzberg and how do they correspond to the space available in the two project plans? Which commercial space offers (Ritterstrasse and Moritzstrasse) can be suggested with inquiries from the district and the quarter?

paper planes e.V.
ZZZ Bremen


Feasability Study Wilhelmshafen
Climate adaptation of the inner-city of Wilhelmshafen

City of Wilhelmshafen

Wilhelmshaven wants to counteract the inner-city vacancy by Urban Gardening and Vertical Farming. We are examining location conditions and utilization options. Citizens should participate and also become consumers of the products.



Post-pandemische Räume in der Stadtregion Wien
Research und Urban Mapping

Forba GmbH in Wien

Für die FORBA GmbH in Wien weisen wir auf post-pandemische Raumbedarfe hin. Wir zeigen, welche Räume zukünftig in Städten relevant und wie diese gedacht werden können.

Belius GmbH


Post-Corona City
Reorientation of the inner-city of Kiel

Kiel Marketing GmbH

For Kiel Marketing we are developing spatial profiles for the post-pandemic "reprogramming" of Kiel's city centre. The ongoing transformation of the city centre is to be more strongly oriented towards production, creativity and new user groups. We sharpen the future narratives and develop new profiling subspaces.

Bastian Lange
Anneke von Holst


Alte Münze
Communication Compass

Kulturraum GmbH Berlin

The Alte Münze (Old Mint) in the centre of the capital Berlin is to become a socio-cultural place in the sense of a public welfare-oriented urban development. A strategic communication concept "Communication Compass" is being developed for Kulturraum Berlin GmbH and all project participants.

Bastian Lange


Digital Hackathon
Revitalisation of inner-city spaces

EU-Interreg-Project „CINEMA“

Bastian Lange is designing and moderating a "digital hackathon" for the EU Interreg project "CINEMA" in 2020-21. In this project "Creative Industries for new Urban Economies in the Danube Region", a total of 22 international partners from eight countries in the Danube region are working together on the revitalisation of inner-city spaces.

Bastian Lange


Expert on WIR Innovations
Evaluation of the BMBF-research funding WIR

Ministry: BMBF

The Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) launches the program "WE! - Change through innovation in the region". This should help so-called structurally weak regions in East Germany to develop.

Birmingham City University


Urban Manufacturing
Innovative Policy Labs for Makerspaces

Client: INTERREG Eurepe

Multiplicities is facilitating the City of Birmingham (UK) in joint cooperation with the University of Birmingham on the application, the formulation and rolling out of “Urban Manufacturing”. The report aims at providing three key means to support policy makers in Europe:

Prognos AG


Study Report on Digitization
Potential analysis of the digital economy in the county of Steinfurt (Germany)

Kunde: Landkreis Steinfurt



Participative Cultural Development
City of Friedberg (Bavaria)

Client: Stadt Friedberg (Bayern)

Multiplicities supports the city of Friedberg (Bavaria) and the cultural department in formulating a concept for cultural development. The aim is to create better framework conditions for culture and to make cultural work and cultural promotion more concept-based and planned.



Feasability Study
Creative Quarter Potsdam

Client: ProPotsdam GmbH

The city of Potsdam is planning a new creative location for the culture and creative industries in Potsdam. Belius, raumlaborberlin, Multiplicities - Berlin are conducting a jkoint feasibility study.

Bastian Lange


Expert at Formas
Expert at Formas for sustainable development.

Organisation: Formas

Formas finances research of the highest scientific quality and is relevant to our areas of responsibility through various calls. In total, Formas distributes 1.3 billion SEK each year to various research projects. Advisory Council for Urban and Regional Development.

Bastian Lange


Urban Production
Urban Production - back to the city / ProUrban

Client: ITA Gelsenkirchen.

The functional separation and zoning of cities into residential, commercial, commercial and production areas, which has been extensively pursued since the 1950s, is increasingly called into question and goes hand in hand with a renaissance of the city that has been taking place for years as a place to live and work.

Bastian Lange


Topologie, Typologie und Dynamik der Commons-Based Peer Production in Deutschland
Das Beispiel von Plattformen, Akteuren und Innovationen

In: Fraunhofer UMSICHT, Oberhausen

The idea of ​​Commons-Based Peer Production (CBPP) [Benkler 2007] has evolved in recent years from a niche activity for individuals to a widespread global phenomenon in which the number, size, and interconnectedness of maker activities is increasing worldwide.

Bastian Lange


Member Editoral Board
Journal of Creative Industries

Organisation: Institute of Creative Industries Design, National Cheng Kung University (Taiwan).

IJCCI is an international, multidisciplinary, double-blind-refereed journal which aims to facilitate scholarly works and discussions related to academic research and practical insights from the field of cultural and creative industries (CCI).

Bastian Lange


Jury lead Creative Media.NRW
Jury lead of the cluster competition CreateMedia.NRW

Auftraggeber: Wirtschaftsministerium NRW

With the lead market competition CreateMedia.NRW, the state wants to further strengthen the innovative power of the leading market of the media and creative industries as well as the digital economy.



Urban developement and young adults
Future Workshops "Future urban spaces of youth"

Auftraggeber: BMBF

Today's environmental policy determines the living conditions and living conditions of future generations in many areas. Young people and young adults should be able to influence. What is important to you? In which environment do youth want to live?

Bastian Lange


Chamber of Commerce Creative Industries
Member of the Chamber of Commerce, Board of Creative Industries, Berlin

Organisation: IHK Berlin

The members of the Committee cover the most important sub-sectors of the cultural and creative industries cluster. The focus is on economic policy issues as well as structural and location policy decisions.

Belius GmbH


Flussbad Berlin
New narratives through district initiatives for inner cities

Client and Partner: Flussbad Berlin e.V.

Multiplicities and Belius GmbH design new narratives for the project development of Flussbad e.V. "Flussbad Berlin" is an urban development project to reactivate the Spreekanal in the heart of historic Berlin, which has been largely unused for over 100 years.

Bastian Lange


Policy Brief: Kreativwirtschaft international
Integration von Kreativwirtschaft und internationaler Kulturpolitik?

Organisation: IfA/AA, 2018.

Die Integration von Kultur- und Kreativwirtschaft und internationaler Kulturpolitik kann laufende Internationalisierungsprozesse erneuern: Sie kann als Ideengeber und Transmissionsriemen dienen.

Belius GmbH


Coworking Spaces
Transformations of technology- and founding centers in the region of Kiel.

Client: Wirtschaftsförderung der Landkreise Rendsburg-Eckernförder und Plön

The aim is to activate rural areas in the Kiel region. The study presents recommendations for future viability through knowledge transfer and business start-ups. The report presents results and measures for the improvement of three technology and business incubators (TGZ).



Creative district Augsburg
Transformation of a brown field toward a Creative district

Client: Stadtwerke Augsburg

Multiplicities introduces a user-centered new development at the former brown field with target group workshops, a future workshop and an urban planning framework. The brown field site will be developed into a creative quarter on the basis of subspace analyses and an urban development outline plan.



International Policies for the music industry
Politiken der Musikwirtschaft im Vergleich

Client: Berlin Music Commission (BMC)

The analysis and comparison of international case studies of successful internationalization enable the identification of central fields of action. 10 theses on internationalization were presented at the conference Most Wanted: Music.

Bastian Lange
Valentin Domann
Valerie Häfele


Value Creation in open work labs.
An empirical survey of collaborative practices in Germany.

Client: IÖW, Berlin.

The present study reconstructs the social, material and economic impact processes in open workshops in Germany on the basis of a survey conducted in the summer of 2015. The strong dynamics of the phenomenon are shown by the fact that most respondents of the open workshop joined between 2013 and 2015.

Bastian Lange


Expert within the thematic topic "Exchanging-Sharing-DIY"

Organisation: BMBF

Die ZukunftsForen werden von Expertinnen und Experten aus unterschiedlichen Disziplinen wissenschaftlich begleitet, die den Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmern Auskunft in Fachfragen geben und dabei helfen, die Diskussionen in den übergreifenden Zusammenhang einzuordnen.

Bastian Lange


Policy Innovation Lab Gaswerk Augsburg
Concept, Analysis, Moderation toward the transformation of the Gaswerk in Augsburg

Client: Stadtwerke Augsburg

With target group workshops, a policy innovation lab and a master plan for urban development, Multiplicities initiates a user-driven redevelopment of an old industrial area at the gas plant in the inner city of Augsburg.

Bastian Lange


Jurymitglied "Bürger vernetzen Nachbarschaften" NRW
Auswahl von 45 Projekten zum digitalen Wandel in der Region.

Organisation: Ministerium für Heimat, Kommunales, Bau und Gleichstellung, NRW:

Dieses Modellprojekt legt einen Grundstein für eine zukunftweisende Verbesserung der Lebensqualität in Stadtteilen, Quartieren und Dörfern.

Bastian Lange


Moderation der Architekturwerkstatt
Entwicklung des Umfelds des Stadttheaters Augsburg

Organisation: Stadtplanungsamt Augsburg

Bastian Lange


Jurymitglied Wien
Call creative focus - Crafted in Vienna

Client: Wirtschaftsagentur Wien.

Bastian Lange


Ecosystem Digbeth
Digbeth and the potential for Birmingham City University

Client: BCU

This study report is analysing the relationship of Birmingham City University (BCU) and Digbeth (Birmingham), undertaken by Multiplicities in 2015.

Inpolis GmbH


Masterplan Berlin-Brandenburg
ICT, Media and Creative Industries

Client: ZAB Brandenburg

Multiplicities and Inpolis Urbanism GmbH formulate the strategy for the master plan ICT, Media and Creative Industries for the metropolitan region Berlin Brandenburg. Information and communication technologies are regarded as highly dynamic sectors in Berlin/Brandenburg.

Bastian Lange
Prognos AG


Eine Evaluation der Projekte KMU-kreativ und Bestform für das BMWi.

Kunde: BMWi, Berlin.

Die Kultur- und Kreativwirtschaft ist geprägt durch eine hohe Innovationsorientierung. Offene Innovationsprozesse und kurze Innovationszyklen sind prägend für die Arbeitsweise der Kultur- und Kreativwirtschaft.

Bastian Lange
Willem van Winden


Urban manufacturing
Orientation paper for the Hafencity GmbH

Client: Hafencity Hamburg GmbH

We observe a growing political, cultural and societal awareness of the importance of manu- facturing as key element of the economic fabric. Returning arguments in the debates are re-shoring (production returning home), increasing knowledge-intensity and innovation, links with knowledge institutes, increased networking and supply chain integration.

Bastian Lange
Design Research Lab


Analysing the potential of Design
Analysing the potential of Design in Berlin

Client: Senat für Wirtschaft, Berlin.



Guest Professor Economic Geography at University of Vechta


Habilitation Human Geography, University of Leipzig


Project director KMU-kreativ at the Federal Ministry of Economics and Energy


Guest Professor Human Geography at Humboldt University Berlin


Foundation of Multiplicities-Berlin


Post-Doc Resarcher, Leibniz-Institute Leipzig


Ph-D  Institute of Geography at Johann Wolfgang Goethe-University Frankfurt on Main


Researcher at the Leibniz-Institute for Research on Society and Space, Erkner near Berlin


Postgraduate Studies “Urban Studies”, Foundation Bauhaus Dessau


Researcher atUniversity of  Dortmund


University Degree as Diplom-Geograph, Marburg


Rsearcher, Urban Planning Dept. Frankfurt/M.


Studying at UoA Edmonton (“Urban Planning”)


Studying Geography, Geology, Anthropology, Marburg


Voluntary ecological year, Markdorf


Humboldt University Berlin

Humboldt University Berlin

Inpolis Urbanism GmbH

Inpolis Urbanism GmbH

paper planes e.V.

paper planes e.V.

Studio qrfld

Studio qrfld

RGCS Network

Collaborative Spaces

Birmingham City University

Interreg Europe UrbanM

ARL Hannover

Working group Degrowth

Fraunhofer Umsicht

Fraunhofer Umsicht Oberhausen

Formas Schweden

Research funding Sweden

Public Art Lab

Public Art Lab Berlin